Porting your phone numbers is Quick, Easy and Risk-Free

You decided it’s time to expand your business and you are looking for new opportunities? With our VoIP portability services, you can transfer your phone numbers to a new carrier. At Airbytes, porting VoIP phone numbers is free and you can have cost saving for every business phone number you port to our global network. There are no setup fees or commitment. 

Port a VoIP phone number today and try our hosted voice system completely risk-free.

More than that, porting your number is the only way your business will maintain its communication channels open. If any customer will try to call you after a porting process, they will get instant access to your services or support procedures.

Why is this necessary? Sometimes, when a business is changing its carrier or the numbers lists are moved from one provider to another, the business number could be lost. Using this port number to the VoIP process will keep your numbers intact, and your customers wouldn’t even know.

Requester’s Details - Step 1 of 5

Port Number to VoIP

Fast Porting

Porting international phone numbers takes 30 days or less! Transfer business local phone numbers in the UK even faster.

Global Portability

We are constantly working to cover porting numbers in as many countries as possible and from any provider.

Features Included

Get features like Call Queuing, IVR, Fax2Email and many more at no extra cost.

Port number to VoIP technology, and get access to any of our VoIP plans you will get access to the Airbytes Fone which is a cloud-based virtual phone application available for Windows, Mac OS X, Android or iOS. It includes features like call forwarding, call queuing, interactive voice response (IVR), call recording, analytical reports, and much more. The process is 100% harmless for your business phone numbers.

Get Free VoIP Phone Number Porting

Transfer your number to Airbytes can take from 24 hours to 20 days.